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Lowest cost per part

Mill-Ex delivers up to 1.5G accelerations and high feed rates, making it the perfect choice for the demanding needs of aluminum machining.

Spindle configuration: 2 or 4

Each spindle is individually driven across all three axes, ensuring precision and efficiency.

High part throughput

The Mill-Ex straightforward machining process boosts part throughput and reduces the overall cost per part.

One setup

A more sustainable choice

Reduced transportation impact, reduced emission.


4-axis. 2 or 4 spindles. Aluminum components. Horizontal machining center with a small footprint. Turnkey solutions with complete production cells.

Options: Number of spindles, Spindle power, process cooling, measuring devices, loading and unloading.

Automation: Overhead loading system, robotic loading/unloading.

Materials: Aluminum and Composite.

Industries: Automotive, Aerospace, Electronics, Extrusion, and more.

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Lowest cost per part

Mill-Ex is a high-speed milling machine with 2 or 4 spindles individually driven in all three axes. With up to 1.5G acceleration and high feed rates, it is well suited for the demands of aluminum machining.


Smallest footprint on the market for multi-spindle machines!

A key benefit is machining parts in one setup with a 2 or 4 spindles – higher part throughput with lowest cost per part. Typical parts are aluminum components for automotive (cross member, battery tray, body-in-white) aerospace (floor beam, wing rib, airframe), electronics, and many other applications. The Mill-Ex manufacturing solution offers the opportunity to customize the solution with for example different coolant options (high-pressure coolant, MQL, or dry milling) and loading/unloading (manual or automated by overhead gantry robot or by 6-axis robots from the front). The 2 spindles configuration provides the ability of loading new raw material while machining. The low cost of ownership makes Mill-Ex a very competitive solution.

High Part Throughput. Lowest cost per part!

Streamline Your Workflow with Automation for Mill-Ex

Consider adding automation to your Mill-Ex machine tool. We provide various solutions, from standalone automation to complete production cells for workpiece handling – All from One source.  Our all-in-one approach simplifies your implementation process and ensures that our automation solutions seamlessly integrate into your workflow.

Automation concepts for machining centers
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Two or four spindle configuration

Lowest cost per part

High part throughput

One setup

Small footprint

Short ROI

Full automation available

Build to fit your requirements

Options for optimization

Technical Specification


Model Mill-Ex Mill-Ex

Machining Center

Orientation Horizontal Horizontal
Number of spindles 2 (options further down) 2 (options further down)


X-axis 2,570 mm 101 in
Y-axis 420 mm 20 in
Z-axis 360 mm 14 in
A1/A2-axis +-190 degrees +-190 degrees
A3-axis 180 degrees 180 degrees

Max Part Size

Width Depending on the location of machining operation Depending on the location of machining operation
Height Depending on the location of the machining operations mm Depending on the location of the machining operations in
Lenght 2,500 mm 100 in
Inference ø diameter 520 mm 20 in
Weight 500 kg 1102 lbs

Rotay Fixture

Feed rates 0-60 rpm 0-60 rpm
Fixture Customized Customized

Aluminum Spindle

Speed 24,000 rpm 24,000 rpm
Power S1 20 kW 27.2 hp

Tool Changer

Number of tools (standard) 20 tools for each spindle 20 tools for each spindle
Tool taper HSK-63A HSK-63A
Tool changing time 5 sec 5 sec

Feed Rates

X-Y-Z-axes 0-80 / 0-80 / 0-60 m/min 0-3,150 / 0-3,150 / 0-2360 in/min
A1 and A2 60 rpm/min 60 rpm/min


Acceleration 15 m/square second 49 ft/square second


4 spindles
Dry milling
Radio touch probe
Tool breakage control
Tool lenght and diameter setting unit with tool breakage control
Linear scales in all axis (standard only X)
Overhead loading with MODIG Automation gantry system
Front loading with MODIG Automation 6-axis robot solution
Complete production line solutions
Air mist eliminator
Camera inside machining area
Design and development of customized workpiece fixture
Fixture exchangable via 0-clamp system
Angle head configuration for spindles
Tool center point (TCP) programming function
Simulation software
Remote connection for analyze service and support


Aluminum and Composite

Subject to change.


This is Mill-Ex, high-speed milling machine for aluminum components.

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